Sunday, August 4, 2013

Pretty Baby! How to get marker off a doll's face, arms and/or legs.

I have 3 daughters.
Between them 5 American Girl dolls reside in our home.  Kit, Caroline, Rosa, Pretty Baby and nameless Bitty Baby.

Which means in the last 5 years I've spent....actually you know what let's not do that math..... on American Girl dolls and swag.
Because we all know it's not just about the dolls.  It's about the dolls and their beds and their clothes and their pets and their accessories, oh my goodness have you seen the shoes? 

I digress.

My youngest daughter, our little minion, doesn't just love dolls.  She also loves tattoos.  Or rather, tattooing.  As a result of this, all the bitty babies in our family ended up looking a little something like this:

I was distraught.

My girls were distraught.

Well except for the minion, she was pretty proud of her handiwork.
It's okay girls, it's okay!  If there's one thing I know it's that there is nothing a Magic Eraser can't fix.

Never mind.  A magic eraser can't get Sharpie off a doll.

Okay now is a good time to be distraught.

Finally in a last ditch effort I turned to google and found a tip on a doll preservation message board.  There weren't pictures and I generally don't trust tips without pictures but this time I was willing to try anything. 
I was skeptical but low and behold it worked. 
It worked like a charm! 
It worked just like those doll preservation ladies said it would!

Benzoyl Peroxide, more commonly known as Acne cream.

It was quite simple.
Cake on the Acne Cream, any brand will do.  I opted for the $2 Family Dollar brand.

Leave your doll in the sun on a hot day for several hours.  I left Rosa (pictured) on a towel on the picnic table for about 8 hours. 

 Wipe off the Acne Cream with a washcloth and be amazed.
It's a lot like magic really.

*Something to be aware of, I did notice that a little of the dolls hair "color" bleached out where the acne cream sat on her head.  I felt like it was a small price to pay to have a marker free doll, but if this is something you're concerned don't apply the cream where hair color is.
I have only tried this on the red headed Bitty Baby and the blonde Bitty Baby, I'm not sure of it's affect on darker skinned or haired dolls so use care when trying it on them. 

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